HDMI 2.1 – What is it?

There’s a new HDMI in town, and its name is 2. Point 1. Yes, there is a brand new update to the HDMI cable that is emerging and lots of people are asking about it, so we’re going to give you the inside scoop on the HDMI2. Do you need it, do you want it, and is it worth it?

Before we can get into what the HDMI2 is, it’s important that we understand how we got to where we are today. To understand why the HDMI2.1 is made, we need to understand why previous video formats are obsolete.

The History of the Video OutputRCA cables are extinct

RCA (Yellow Prong) – The classic white, yellow, red, cords that many people are familiar with was the first output through prong. It began being used in the 1940s and was used for decades. Over time, aspect ratios and high-definition came into the format, and this pronged format simply could not keep up.

VGA – the VGA cable was a long term analog connector that brought the computer and the monitor together. While it was the standard for a long time, it was only capable of really going up to 1024 x 768. Since the standard now is 1920 x 1080, you can see why the VGA is no longer in service.

Thunderbolt – Thunderbolt connection is Apple’s brainchild cord that does everything, which is exactly it’s a problem. While it is capable of performing both data transfers and video output through the same card. It puts far too much value on the cord, and never received mainstream usage outside of the Apple community, and even still most people will use the now dominant, HDMI cable.hdmi is better than thunderbolt

Then HDMI Happened

The HDMI cable stands for high definition multimedia interface, and it was created in 2002. Designed by a foundation of 7 companies, it is now regulated by a committee of 77. The HDMI came out and was able to transmit roughly 5 GB/s and roughly 4 GB/s for raw video. This was immensely powerful.

But similar to the RCA and VGA, the visual medium became much more powerful and required more powerful. With this, the HDMI grew.4k resolution hdmi

From 2002 to 2009, there were versions 1.0-1.3 until 1.4 came out and became the standard. It was able to do 4k at 24 fps and 1080p at 60fps and higher. It was also capable of transmitting 3D video format which coincidentally made it a high selling item in the wake of Avatar coming out.

But now there is HDMI 2 and 2.1, which came out in 2013 and 2017.

So what is it capable of doing? The original HDMI could transmit at max 5 GB/s and transmit 4K video at 24fps.

The HDMI 2 can transmit 48 GB/s and transmit 10k resolution at 120fps. The HDMI2 is an absolute powerhouse. Which will likely be the standard for the next decade as TV’s at such high resolutions and FPS become more affordable.

FabTech LLC

If you want to make your entertainment center futureproof for as long as possible, you’re going to need the most up-to-date HDMI format. Luckily, with FabTech, we know how to get you the best materials and have your home theater as streamlined as possible. If you would like to know more about our services or offers, call us today at