What is Net Neutrality?

What does Net Neutrality mean? Net Neutrality literally means keeping the net neutral. As of a few years ago, the Internet was a sort of rampant place of randomness. Websites were rising and falling all the time, content networks springing up that needed ad revenue...
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HDMI 2.1 – What is it?

HDMI 2.1 – What is it? There’s a new HDMI in town, and its name is 2. Point 1. Yes, there is a brand new update to the HDMI cable that is emerging and lots of people are asking about it, so we’re going to give you the inside scoop on the HDMI2. Do you need it, do you...
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How do Security Cameras Work?

How Security Cameras Used to Work In previous years Security Cameras were considered a novel security. Back before the 90’s information was stored onto VHS tapes that would always be rolling then you’d rewind and do it all over again week after week. But nowadays, we...
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How to Prepare for a Home Theater Consultation!

What happens during a Home Theater Consultation While some people might purchase a ton of parts and call us over to put them all together, that’s not the best way to utilize our services. With FabTech, we insist on doing consultations before our home theater...
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Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You?

Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You? Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You? We’ve been building up to this for some time, so now we are going to give you the straight answer. Which is better for your home theater, projectors vs tvs. Short answer? Projectors....
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How do House Alarms Work?

The Different Types of House Alarms Having house alarms is incredibly important for ensuring the safety and integrity of your household. By installing them, you are taking the correct steps to creating a safer home for your and your family. At Fabtech, we believe that...

Increasing your Home Security with FabTech!

Do you feel Safe in your Home? Every year, countless Americans are affected by Robberies, Burglaries, and home invasions. It is traumatizing and can make a family feel unsafe. But with Home Security, you can reclaim your safety and control over your household. FabTech...

5 Tips for Wiring and Cable Management

5 Tips for Wiring and Cable Management Wiring is vital for any hardware installation, but just because people see the magic, doesn’t mean they want to see the wiring. It’s reasoning like these that we invest heavily in wiring and cable management. Have you ever...

How do Security Cameras Work?

How Security Cameras Used to Work In previous years Security Cameras were considered a novel security. Back before the 90’s information was stored onto VHS tapes that would always be rolling then you’d rewind and do it all over again week after week. But nowadays, we...

What is Net Neutrality?

What does Net Neutrality mean? Net Neutrality literally means keeping the net neutral. As of a few years ago, the Internet was a sort of rampant place of randomness. Websites were rising and falling all the time, content networks springing up that needed ad revenue...

Smart Homes and You.

The Device isn’t the Product, You are. We are going to extensively cover all of the in-demand smart home choices for anyone who is interested. We will be fair and unbiased with our responses, but we believe it is important to precursor this blog with a notice about...

Home Theater Installation: How to be a Pro

 Home Theater Installation: How to be a Pro At Fab Tech, we love installing new home theaters for people. There’s something about creating a banging set up that makes us excited to go home and watch our set ups. But, one of the questions we will get from time to time...

Wall Mounting a TV

We help with Wall Mounting TVs If you are considering wall mounting a TV, then the first thing we will want to suggest is to give us a call. We have a ton of experience with wall mounting a tv; it’s our business. Not only are our rates fair, and it’s also a great way...

3D, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality.

3D, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. Right now is a funny time to be investing in Home Theater when it seems that many people are becoming more interested in 3D and Virtual Reality. Instead of having a home theater installed to make them feel like the world is...

Let’s talk about 4K gaming.

Let’s talk about 4K gaming. There are three reasons why people want to upgrade their home theater. They want to be able to have a theater experience at home, they want to be able to watch the game in the highest resolution, and they want to be able to game at the...

Down with Cable? How to be a Cord cutter!

Down with Cable? How to be a Cord cutter! I’m sure you have heard of cord cutters at this point. There are people, myself included, who don’t want to deal with cable boxes and don’t want to deal with cable companies anymore and because of this, we have dubbed...

Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You?

Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You? Projectors vs TVs: Which is Best for You? We’ve been building up to this for some time, so now we are going to give you the straight answer. Which is better for your home theater, projectors vs tvs. Short answer? Projectors....

Projectors for Home Theaters

Projectors for Home Theaters When you are creating your new home theater, there are many options to choose from. At this point, we have already covered all of the realms of TV’s and why you would want them, what they would be good for, so on and so forth. However,...

What are Display Resolutions?

What are Display Resolutions? What are Display Resolutions? One of the phrases that you’ll hear thrown around often are phrases such as 1080, 4K, 1440p and other numbers followed by letters But if you don’t know what they mean, then why would you want it? These are...

HDMI 2.1 – What is it?

HDMI 2.1 – What is it? There’s a new HDMI in town, and its name is 2. Point 1. Yes, there is a brand new update to the HDMI cable that is emerging and lots of people are asking about it, so we’re going to give you the inside scoop on the HDMI2. Do you need it, do you...